Well, I suppose its been a while since my last post. Life happens. Well to begin, Easter was great. Good food and family, always a plus. But now my dad is in the hospital and I threw my back out so I've been trying to heal and help my mother.
Its hot and humid and kinda raining here, which I love but its hell on my knee and ankle. Sprained my ankle bad playing soccer in high school and its been super sensitive since.
There is something in my life going on too that I really want/need to talk about but I need to devote the time and entry to it. I can't believe I let myself get into a certain situation but alas, it happened and I learned and am moving on.
Otherwise I think I'm content. Happy. Getting back to where I wanna be. I'm spending alot of time by myself so I have done alot of soul searching and I'm happier for it. I miss my friends alot but my best friend of 15 years keeps texting me refusing to really let me slip away in to the revelry of my solitude. Works for me.
Well, I need food and a shower. Pain medication makes me sweat and sleep alot more than I like. *Shudders* not good, not good at all!
I hope everyone is well!
I miss you Derrick!!! :) Got a lil bit o news for ya but I guess I'd need your number or be able to give you mine or email or well there's messenger too...lmao sorry, I'll sort it out and get back with ya :D