Ha! I've been sitting here staring at the screen for about 10 minutes hoping for the words to come.
I guess with the end of the year upon us, I've been thinking about everything and taking it all in.
Its crazy that the majority of it has been about Sweetness.
I think about him so much.
And, yes, I still love him more than I've ever loved anyone else. See? I am crazy. I was so sure that life would be spent with him- at each other's side. I don't know. And its weird that I was so completely happy with him. And, God, what was it about us...I mean, why were things to difficult? Why did we try so hard to stay in each other's lives. What was it that kept wanting to pull us back together?
I just wish that he had felt that I was the one as much and as strongly as I felt/feel that about him. ugh. I don't know.
I don't even know what the year ahead holds for me. Tomorrow night will be bittersweet, but I will be there none-the-less waiting for the arrival of a new year and let time continue on as it must.
I might actually make resolutions.
I would like to keep on eating as healthily as I have been.
I would LOVE to get more jogging in.
There's a small minor surgery I've been putting off that I think I should finally have.
I want to travel. Mama needs her a vacation.
I would like to keep doing a good job at work.
I think that's pretty much all I can realistically set for myself for now. I'm hoping to add to this list as the new year progresses.
I guess with the end of the year upon us, I've been thinking about everything and taking it all in.
Its crazy that the majority of it has been about Sweetness.
I think about him so much.
And, yes, I still love him more than I've ever loved anyone else. See? I am crazy. I was so sure that life would be spent with him- at each other's side. I don't know. And its weird that I was so completely happy with him. And, God, what was it about us...I mean, why were things to difficult? Why did we try so hard to stay in each other's lives. What was it that kept wanting to pull us back together?
I just wish that he had felt that I was the one as much and as strongly as I felt/feel that about him. ugh. I don't know.
I don't even know what the year ahead holds for me. Tomorrow night will be bittersweet, but I will be there none-the-less waiting for the arrival of a new year and let time continue on as it must.
I might actually make resolutions.
I would like to keep on eating as healthily as I have been.
I would LOVE to get more jogging in.
There's a small minor surgery I've been putting off that I think I should finally have.
I want to travel. Mama needs her a vacation.
I would like to keep doing a good job at work.
I think that's pretty much all I can realistically set for myself for now. I'm hoping to add to this list as the new year progresses.